Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pre-War Preparations Of The British Navy

From Pioneer Collections, the recollections of Aura P. Stewart of St. Clair County, Michigan, whose father trudged through Canada during the winter, arriving in the Michigan territory in 1811.

In the winter of 1811, he [Mr. Ransom]... told him [Mr. Stewart] that he had but recently entered into a contract with a Mr. McGregor of Windsor to furnish the timber for masts and spars and finishing lumber to be used in the construction or building of the British fleet intended to command our lakes... .  My father entered into contract with the said Ransom to select and hew the timber in the woods to fill the contract Ransom to haul it to the bank of the river Thames for inspection. 

The Aura P. Stewart narrative can also be seen here at the website.

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