Monday, July 17, 2017

Fencibles At Prairie du Chien Surrender


"Early in June an American force took possession of the Indian post at Prairie du Chien, on the Mississippi, almost 500 miles from Mackinac, and Col. M'Douall, who was now in command at the latter place, resolved to dislodge them. Accordingly, Colonel M'Kay, of the Michigan Fencibles, was sent to Prairie du Chien with a detachment consisting of his own corps and of Canadian Volunteers, 150 men in all, with a 3 pounder. He also was accompanied by about 500 Indians."

"The detachment reached its destination on the 17th July and found that the Americans had erected a small fort... ."

""...M'Kay advanced his men against the fort, upon which a white flag was immediately displayed and the place surrendered with its garrison of 65 men and its cannon and stores. Not one man of M'Kay's white troops was even wounded in this brilliant affair...". [Source]

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