Source [War of 1812 Participant, Not Necessarily At Fort Miami] |
"In all this however there must be made an exception against the honor of the infamous Proctor*, the commander of the allied forces of the enemy. When the
prisoners who had been taken from
Colonel Dudley's command were taken to the British camp, below the fort, they were put into old Fort Miami, near by, and, in the language of an eyewitness, "the Indians were permitted to garnish the surrounding rampart, and to amuse themselves by loading and firing at the crowd, or at any particular individual. Those who preferred to inflict a still more cruel and savage death, selected their victims, led them to the gateway, and there, under the eye of General Proctor, and in the presence of the whole British army, tomahawked and scalped them." [
*Update: It was noted in the comments section of the blog that the name is Procter, not Proctor. The source of the text spelled the name as Proctor, so I will leave it as is (with the added quotation marks that I should have originally included).