Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who Wrote The Journal Of An American Prisoner?

Fort Malden and Quebec
in the
War of 1812

Although the author's name is not attached to the journal it bears unmistakable evidence of having been written by Surgeon's Mate James Reynolds who was deputed by Surgeon General Edwards of Gen. Hull's army to the charge of the sick on the two vessels that were dispatched from Maumee to Detroit, but which were captured at Fort Malden (Amherstburg) by the British. [Preface]

Didn't James Reynolds die on the same day as Hull's surrender?  Is Surgeon's Mate James Reynolds a different person?  The diary continued beyond the surrender date, so how was the diary written by Doctor James Reynolds from Zanesville, Ohio.  Did one of his comrades use his diary after his death?

16th.—Sunday. Pleasant weather but unpleasant news we herd about noon that Hull had given up Detroit and the whole Territory Mitchigan. The Indians began to return about sunset well mounted and some with horses and chais. Who can express the feelings of a person who knows that Hull had men enough to have this place three times and[19] gave up his post. Shame to him, shame to his country, shame to the world. When Hull first came to Detroit the 4th U. S. Regt. would have taken Malden and he with his great generalship has lost about 200 men and his Territory.
Can he be forgiven when he had command of an army of about 2500 men besides the Regulars and Militia of his Territory and given up to about 400 regular troops and Militia and about 700 Indians.
17th.—Monday. Clouday. The news of yesterday was confirmed. The Indians were riding our horses and hollowing and shouting the whole day.
18th.—The Provo Marshal came on board and wanted a list of the Regular Troops, and told us that the Regular Troops were prisoners of war and the militia had liberty to go home. We were taken from the Schooner Thames and put into a little Schooner but every attention paid us that was possible. In the evening we were ordered on[20] board the Elinor. Their was a detachment of prisoners joined us.
19th.—Wensday. Pleasant. I got provisions and medicines on board. The other vessels came from Detroit. Nothing extraordinary through the day.
20th.—Thursday. Rainy. Unpleasant on board. The militia left the river.
21st.—Friday. We drifted out of the river into the Lake. Capt. Brown and Ensign Phillips came on board.
22nd.—Saterday. Clouday but no rain. We sailed to the Three Sisters and lay to for the Sharlott, and about 12 o'clock we came to ancor.

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