Monday, May 28, 2012

Private Duff Green's Experience Near Vincennes

Our regiment under the command Colonel Wilcox marched to Vincennes*... . ....[news] reached us that the Indians under Tecumseh had attacked Fort Harrison having defeated the Rangers.  [From Duff Green's auto-biographical information].

*An artist's rendering of Fort Knox located near Vincennes, Indiana:

Ft. Knox 1803 - 1813
In 1803 the federal government gave approval for the construction of a new fort near Vincennes.  Ft. Knox, named for Secretary of War Henry Knox, was eventually built on a bluff overlooking the Wabash river, three miles north of the village.  The outpost remained somewhat inactive until the increased tensions of 1811 brought about a heightened interest in improving the fortification.  Archaeological findings in the 1960's indicated that the fort's design may have resembled this artist's rendering.

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