Monday, December 10, 2012

The Work Of The Quartermaster

From Quartermaster History Timeline at the US Army Quartermaster Foundation in Fort Lee, Virginia:

War of 1812 (1812-15) "In short, a Quartermaster General should anticipate every thing, see every thing, and be prepared at all times as far as human foresight is capable of for all emergencies."

28 March 1812 From the National Archives:
Office of the Purveyor of Public Supplies (OPPS), headquartered at Philadelphia, PA, established in Treasury Department by an act of February 23, 1795..., with responsibility for procuring all U.S. Government supplies, including military stores. Abolished, effective May 31, 1812, by an act of March 28, 1812 (2 Stat. 696).

9 March 1813
"Quartermaster Department ordered to build boats at Erie for Admiral Perry's fleet. Fleet turned over to Perry in August 1813." [Quartermaster History Timeline]

Quartermaster Department split in two, with a Quartermaster General and a deputy for each of the two divisions-the Northern and the Southern-into which the United States was divided for purposes of military administration. [Quartermaster History Timeline]

A blog entry about Army supplies.

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