Monday, May 5, 2014

Colonel Dudley's Defeat

Col. Wm. Dudley's defeat opposite Fort Meigs, May 5th, 1813: official report ..., by Leslie Combs.

"When Col. [William] Dudley [1766 - May 5, 1813] attacked the batteries of the enemy, opposite Fort Meigs, on the 5th of May, 1813, he advanced in three columns. The right, led by himself, carried them without the loss of a man.  The middle was the reserve. The left, headed by Major Shelby, formed at right angles on the river, to protect from below. This arrangement was scarcely made before the spies under my command (about thirty in number, including seven friendly Indians) who flanked at some hundred yards distance in the woods, were attacked by part of the Indian force of the enemy."

 "The enemy retreated. Our troops impelled more by incautious valour and a desire for military distinguishment than prudence, pursued. ...every step we advanced carried us farther from under the protection of our fort."

From Ohio History Central:

"While Dudley's Massacre was a defeat for the U.S. military, the destruction of the British cannon helped convince the British soldiers to lift their siege of Fort Meigs. The Native Americans persuaded the British to attack the fort again in July 1813, but once again, the U.S. defenders were victorious."

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