Saturday, May 3, 2014

Were The Michigan Men Overlooked?

A summary of a paper from the George Rogers Clark Selected Papers and a response to the best Troops in the World:

"A close scrutiny of manuscripts and of literature published just after the conflict presents an impression different from that of modern histories [that are dismissive or disparaging towards the Michiganders (many who were French-speaking residents)]."

Source (French-speaking Man)

"In many of the actions when Michigan men did play key roles, their contributions went unnoticed because they served as individuals detached to other units..." .  "Illiteracy also explains why the contributions of many Michigan men were overlooked."  "Michigan militiamen had an identity problem, too." [See the article for a more thorough explanation!]

"But, were they the "Best troops in the world"? When Harrison uttered those words, he probably knew he would be hard pressed to find troops who were better."

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