Saturday, July 25, 2015

George Davenport And Lundy's Lane


George Davenport, who started his career aboard a British merchant ship, was injured during a shipwreck and left behind in America.  [He was] out of money and a stranger among strangers in a strange land. He had some friends at Carlyle, Penn., whither he went and soon attracted the attention of Gen. Wilkinson of the U.S. army who...offered him the position and pay of Sergeant in the regular army, which he accepted... .

The war of 1812-14 found Sgt. Davenport wearing the epaulets of a colonel in the regular army and July 25, 1814, he did gallant service at the terrible battle of the Niagara or Lundy's Lane. His regiment reached the battlefield from a distant point just in time to join Gen. Scott in his charge against the left wing of the British army, which turned the scale of battle and saved the day; but Gen. Scott was seriously wounded and Col. Davenport personally superintended the carrying of the hero of Lundy's Lane from the field.

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