Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Devastating Event In Commodore Elliott's Early Years

From a Speech of Com. Jesse Duncan Elliot  ...:

It is known to many in this respected audience that the honor of a Marylander's birth-right was derived from parents, both of whom were Pennsylvanians, and that in the ninth year of my age, my father [Robert Elliott] was killed by a party of Indians, on the Muskingum, on his route to join the array of Gen. Wayne, to which he was attached as a Commissary.

Robert Elliott's Orders from General Anthony Wayne (a month before Elliott's death):

Plaque Commemorating Fort Hamilton (near Cincinnati, Ohio)

"In 1794, Colonel Robert Elliott, a quartermaster for the army, while traveling with his servant from Fort Washington to Fort Hamilton, was ambushed by the Indians and killed...". [Source]

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