Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Fort Amanda

From The Ohio Country....(See e-mail information below)*

 The three thousand men then at Fort Barbee were at once started direct for Defiance, Harrison commanding in person. The first night they encamped at Fort Jennings, where word of the retreat of the enemy was received. This gave opportunity for part of the soldiers to clear the road to Defiance, and others to build a fortification farther up the Auglaize River, on the site of Wayne's Fort Auglaize. This post was named by Lieutenant-Colonel Pogue, its builder, Fort Amanda... .

Jim's Photo of The Fort Amanda Monument

*Note: I received the following information via email:

There are a couple items shown on the webpage regarding Fort Amanda that are incorrect. I’ve researched Fort Amanda for the past 43 years and just recently published my book titled; “Fort Amanda – a Historical Redress.” Fort Amanda was built by Lt. Col. Robert Pogue of the Kentucky militia, not Colonel Poague. Lt. Col. Pogue named the post for his 12 year old daughter Amanda. It was built in 2 phases, the first by Kentucky troops in Oct. 1812 then enlarged by Ohio militia troops in the spring of 1813. When finished there were 5 blockhouses, not 4.

See the Fort Amanda blog here (related to the above e-mail).

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