Saturday, August 8, 2020

War Of 1812 (Second Part Of The 1812 Timeline)

Note: Outline Per Wikipedia (with revisions):

1812Jul 17Capture of Fort Mackinac*
1812Jul 19Attack at Sackets Harbor**
1812Aug 5Battle of Brownstown
1812Aug 8British General Isaac Brock embarks at Port Dover for the relief of Amherstburg***
1812Aug 8Battle of Maguaga
1812Aug 15Fort Dearborn massacre
1812Aug 16Surrender of Detroit
1812Aug 19Capture of HMS Guerriere****
* "That it should fare hard with the garrison of Fort Mackinac was, under the circumstances, a foregone conclusion. They [the British] were...stationed at St. Joseph's Island. Capt. Roberts received intelligence of the declaration of war on July 15 and was directed to attack Fort Mackinac immediately.  Among the force of a thousand and odd must have been many who knew Mackinac well; indeed, as a former British post, fort and island must have been familiar in every detail to the officers in command, and on this knowledge, no doubt, was based the plan of attack." [Source]

** Gunboats were in process of construction at Sackets Harbor... . One of these, the Oneida, was attacked July 19, 1812, by five British vessels... . [Source]

 *** General Brock told us that it was his intention to go up at once to the western district along the shore of Lake Erie in boats to embark at what is now Port Dover. [Source]

Maguaga Battle-Ground

**** To compensate our readers in some degree for the disappointment and mortification they cannot but feel at the misfortune of our little army under gen. Hull, it is with feelings of pride and pleasure that we refer them to the gallant exploit of capt. Hull, his nephew, in the frigate Constitution in capturing and destroying the British frigate Guerriere. [Source]

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