Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Bombardment Of Lewes

"A demand was made on March 16, 1813, upon the inhabitants of Lewes, Delaware, for twenty live bullocks 'with a proportionate amount of vegetables and hay,' for which he [the British officer in command of the blockade, Sir John P. Beresford] would pay reasonable prices, but threatened to destroy the town if his demand was not satisfied.  The demand met with instant defiance, and the news of it was communicated... ."

Site Of Fort In Lewes, Delaware - War of 1812

"Detachments of militia from the three States (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware) poured into Lewes... .  The British started a bombardment of Lewes on April 6, and kept it up for 22 hours, but did little damage, and did not land any forces from the enemy fleet." [Source]

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