Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Skirmish At Otter Creek

During the War of 1812 a small earth work called Fort Cassin was built at the mouth of Otter Creek, to prevent the British ships on Lake Champlain from ascending the river and destroying the American fleet being built at Vergennes. The fort was named for Lieut. Stephen Cassin, one of Macdonough's officers. The British fleet appeared off the mouth of the river, April* 14, 1814, and attacked the fort, the engagement lasting about half an hour. Many shells lodged in the parapet, one gun was dismounted, and two men were slightly wounded. Several of the British ships were damaged and the fleet soon withdrew. [Source]

A post on this blog described Fort Cassin and Otter Creek (with pictures).

Attack on Fort Cassin has its own Facebook page.

Photos of Reenactors here.

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