Monday, February 10, 2014

Another Petition For Religious Exemption In Canada Before The War

From Niagara Historical papers.

Niagara Historical Society  No. 42
1805 - 1811

"Since the organization of the province, a considerable number of Mennonists and Tunkers, mainly Germans from Pennsylvania had come in and settled, for whose encouragement an Act had been passed in 1793 by the Provincial Parliament exempting them from service in the Militia on certain conditions. Their sons were now becoming liable to enrollment on attaining the age of sixteen."

"The Petition of the Society of People called Mennonists and Tunkers, Humbley Sheweth:
Your Petitioners...shall pay in time of peace, Four Dollars a year, and in time of invasion or insurrection Twenty Dollars a year... .
 And whereas many of Our Sons now under age and incapable of judging in matters of conscience, are not as yet actually considered as Church members, and cannot of course secure the necessary certificates, we therefore humbly pray the same indulgence may be extended to them that is granted to ourselves, that is that they may be exempted from serving in the Militia by paying the commutation money until they arrive at the age of twenty-one, or until they be admitted as Church Members."  10 February 1810

Active History [Canada] references the sects in the article, "Upper Canadian War Resisters in the War of 1812."

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