Sunday, February 9, 2014

Paymaster Hale And His Protege

From Officers of the British Forces in Canada During the War of 1812-15:

Son of Lt. Colonel John Hale com'd g 47th at Quebec 1759. Appointed to the Marines 2 Dec 1776, Lieut. 2nd Queen's Royal... . Was Secretary to HRH the Duke of Kent at Quebec and Halifax. 

James Allsop, from Hale's office:

James Allsop, at the age of 17, was taken by Hon. John Hale, Receiver-General, into his office, St. John street, at $600 per annum.

James Allsop did not like the drudgery of Mr. Hale's office who sent him to England with a recommendation to the late Duke of Kent, asking for a Paymastership. There were difficulties at first, he not being considered old enough; but at last he was gazetted to one in the 1st Batt., 44th Regt., and this Battalion was ordered to New Orleans, Hon Col. Mullins (Lord Ventry's son) commanding, who, being seized with a panic on the field, disgraced himself, lost his presence of mind on seeing the destruction the Americans were dealing out to the British troops, by firing behind their cotton bags, and was in consequence the cause of the death of Hon. Col. Pakenham, brother-in-law to the Duke of Wellington.

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