Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Unoffending Citizens Of Canada

The Official letters of the military..., included what were most likely General Pike's last orders:

[Excerpt from the BRIGADE ORDER]

Courage and bravery in the field do not more distinguish the soldier, than humanity after victory; and whatever examples the savage allies of our enemies may have given us, the general confidently hopes, that the blood of an unresisting or yielding enemy, will never stain the weapons of the soldiers of his column.

The unoffending citizens of Canada are many of them our own countrymen, and the poor Canadians have been forced into the war. Their property, therefore, must be held sacred; and any soldier who shall so far neglect the honour of his profession as to be guilty of plundering the inhabitants, shall, if convicted, be punished with death.  But the commanding general assures the troops, that should they capture a large quantity of public stores, he will use his best endeavours to procure them a reward from his government.

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